This is the second time I've done this: I saw a writing competition and wrote something specially for it - normally I only write what comes to me and i'm hopeless at writing to prompts. But ok- I decided to try it. Then I went back to the website that I was sure had called for the submission, and bugger me! there was no such competition! Even after trawling through all the websites I've saved in my writing and competitions folder, I still couldn't find it. This time I actually wrote it down on a piece of paper by my keyboard where I write down reminders, struggled to write 2 poems on the subject of Space and Aliens for 9-13 year-olds - one I'm quite pleased with and one that is very silly but lots of fun - then, again, went back to the publisher that I'd noted as running the competition, and no sign of it!! I think my brain went to space and got lost somewhere!!!
Anywhere, out of sheer frustration I'm publishing the poems here, lol. As they are unlikely to see the light of day anywhere else, even if I had remembered who the heck was doing that comp.
This is the one I'm quite pleased with:
The sky at
night is
I don’t know
how to
The stars are
beautiful but
forever, and we’re
How can
My head won’t
I’d rather
feel the stars
Or kind
ancestors, smiling
And here's the silly one
When Humans set off
for the planet Zog
At the other end of
the Universe,
They accidentally
took another bod
Along on the ride in
the rocket.
A green, shiny spider
with multiple eyes,
And a mark like an H
on its back,
Came in, on a cargo
of pies,
They’d brought for a
special snack.
It made a nest in the
back of a sprocket,
And started to lay
lots of eggs.
And as they voyaged
across billions of miles,
Lots more spiders
began to grow big.
They landed on Zog
and opened the doors,
And came out into
sunshine and air.
A crowd of Zoggans
had gathered around
To greet the arrivals
and stare.
They thought the
Earthlings were really smart,
Green and shiny with
marks on their backs.
But when they spoke
to them and tried to be friends
They didn’t get one
answer back.
Other things came out of the ship,
Large and squishy
with things on their heads.
They blundered about
and stepped on things, then
The Earthlings began
to spin webs.
“That’s very rude!”
the Zoggans shouted,
“You can’t just set
up in any old place!”
They buzzed and
squeaked and raged and pouted,
But the Earthlings
just spun webs and ate.
It was all going
wrong, the Zoggans were nice,
They tried very hard
to be friends,
But the Big Things
trod on the Queen’s palace – twice –
And it took them ages
to mend.
The Earthlings spun
and ate all the food,
Their webs were
draped every which way,
And though they were
green and shiny and cool,
They had absolutely
nothing to say.
And the Big Things
had no remote controls,
No-one could switch
them off.
Where they’d been
walking, nothing was whole,
They broke
everything, though they were squishy and soft.
The Zoggans held a
meeting and got very cross,
They really wanted to
be friends,
“But they keep
catching food to scoff,
And their robots are
just plain hopeless,” they complained.
Then they saw the Big
Squishy Things
Bending right down
over them,
With things on their
eyes to make stuff look big,
And the Zoggans began
to scream.
But one wise old
Zoggan said “Hey!
‘I think we’ve been
getting this wrong,
‘We thought the
people were shiny and green,
‘But it’s really the
Big Squishy Things!
‘We wanted them to be
like us,
‘With hard outsides
and multiple eyes,
‘And they’ve been
doing the same to us,
And it’s been a
terrible mistake.”
So all the Zoggans
ran round in a rush,
And formed themselves
into rows,
And as the Humans
looked down at them,
They spelled out the
word “HELLO.”
So the green shiny
ones became cute pets
That everyone wanted
to have,
And the Earthlings
stopped stepping on things,
And they had a big party and were glad.
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